Slideshow: 10 hints you have outdated insurance

Posted in General, Auto, Home, Business

Who knew life could be so busy? Surely, thinking about insurance ranks about last on your daily “to-do” list. But as life changes, so do your insurance needs. And if your insurance becomes outdated, it could cost you big bucks when the time comes and you need to file a claim.

Don’t be caught underinsured. Take a few moments and review our slideshow “10 Hints You Have Outdated Insurance.” Discover what information you should be sharing with your independent agent to avoid costly gaps in your insurance coverage.

Is your home, auto, business and life insurance up-to-date?

Auto and homeowners policies are offered through Grange Insurance Company, Columbus, OH, and its affiliated companies. Life insurance policies are underwritten by Grange Life Insurance Company, Columbus, OH or Kansas City Life, Kansas City, MO, and are subject to underwriting approval. Products are not available in all states.

This slideshow is for informational and suggestion purposes only. If any policy coverage descriptions in this slideshow conflict with the language in the policy, the language in the policy applies. Implementing one or more of these suggestions does not guarantee coverage. For full details on Grange’s auto, home, business and life insurance coverages and discounts, contact your local independent Grange insurance agent.

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