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woman in her office working on computer and tablet

What kind of insurance covers lithium-ion battery fires?

Posted in General, Auto, Home

Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere these days. Learn what they are, how to use them safely, storage and charging tips and more. We cover the types of insurance that cover lithium-ion batteries and tips to reduce the risk of battery fires.

Woman with brown hair smiles while sitting in the driver’s seat with her hands on the wheel.

Infographic: Deer on the road? Here’s what to do

Posted in Auto

A collision with a deer can cause serious damage to you, your passengers and your car. In this infographic, we point out some best practices for preventing a deer collision and what to do when you can’t avoid it.

Common insurance myths — busted!

Common insurance myths — busted!

Posted in General, Auto, Home

Throughout your life, you have heard many things about how insurance works. But do you know the truth? Test your insurance smarts by reviewing these common insurance myths.

Protecting yourself after a data breach

Protecting yourself after a data breach

Posted in General, Auto, Home

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common. More likely than not, a day will come when you reach into your mailbox and pull out a letter that says your data has been exposed. Here’s what to do next.

interior shot of woman driving SUV

3 things to keep in mind before you loan your car

Posted in Auto

If you loan your car to a friend or family member and they get in an accident, you may be unsure whose insurance will cover the costs. Learn the three things you should know before you let someone else behind the wheel of your vehicle.

man and woman with dog having a picnic in front of car

Umbrella insurance 101

Posted in General, Auto, Home

Even when we live with the best intentions, serious accidents can still happen. Discover why umbrella insurance could be the extra liability coverage you need to give you peace of mind and protect you from significant financial loss.