man watches TV in family room

How much home contents insurance do you need?

Posted in Home

We share our homes with many things, which all add up to make it a unique and cherished space. Whether you live in a house, condo or apartment, here’s how to determine if you have enough home contents coverage.

Space heater with hot orange coils

Are electric space heaters safe?

Posted in General, Home, Business

As the temperature drops, you may be tempted to turn on an electric space heater to stay comfortable and warm. Learn how to use your space heater safely — both indoors and outside — on cold weather days.

Contractor lifts ladder onto van

How to build a fleet safety program

Posted in Business

Develop a safe and reliable fleet safety program with these five best practices from Grange Risk Control Services. Put a formal plan into action to help reduce your business’s risks and help keep employees safe on the road.

Father and sons look at tablet computer while at home

6 tips for staying safe online

Posted in General, Home

How many devices at your home are connected to the internet? Stay safe by following these six tips to help you dodge cyberattacks and protect your personal information while enjoying the benefits of an internet-connected home.

Woman uses smartphone and smiles inside her home

4 ways to connect with customers online

Posted in Business

Technology is part of our daily lives. This means your business has the opportunity to reach people every day. Are customers finding your business when they’re online? Here are four ways to connect with them.

Ranch style home on a summer day

5 home risks to consider when buying a home

Posted in Home

While shopping for your next home, keep these five potential home risks in mind and learn how they might affect your homeowners’ insurance. Find out how to get the right insurance coverage for your new home.