OnTrack program questions
What is OnTrack?
The OnTrack Program helps you take control of your insurance policy rate based on your safe driving behavior. Using our OnTrack app on your smartphone, the program collects driving data for 90 days, monitoring driving mileage, smoothness, time of day and road type. After installing the app, continue to drive normally. When you renew your policy with us, you may earn additional discounts based on the data we collected over the 90-day period.
How can I enroll in OnTrack?
Please contact your Grange independent agent for more information.
What happens if I enroll but don’t install the app?
If you don’t install the app, you’ll receive text and email reminders to download the app. You’ll be removed from the program after 45 days and any discount you received will be removed from your policy.
I didn’t receive a text message to get started. What should I do?
Please contact your agent to verify your phone number.
How can OnTrack affect my rate?
The OnTrack program collects data while you are driving where we will monitor driving mileage, smoothness, time of day and road type through our OnTrack app. Most OnTrack drivers will receive a discount when they renew their policy.
Can participating in the program increase my premium?
No. Maybe you scored lower than expected, but you can use this opportunity to improve your safe driving behavior moving forward.
Is there a fee to participate?
There are no fees or costs to participate.
What if I’m in an accident and I’m in the OnTrack program?
OnTrack data will not be used for claims purposes unless you give us permission, or we receive a court order, such as a subpoena. See the OnTrack Terms and Conditions for more information.