Two young men shake hands during a business meeting

When to review your business insurance

Posted in Business

If your business has experienced some big changes, it might be time to contact your independent insurance agent and see if you need to update your business insurance. Here are four scenarios to consider.

Delivery person hands a small package to an addressee.

Not on my porch: How to avoid package theft

Posted in General, Home

Your home delivery is a prime target for package theft. Use these strategies to prevent packages from being stolen and finally get rid of porch pirates for good.

Man uses an extension ladder to clean leaves out of gutter

Ladder safety tips everyone should know

Posted in General, Home, Business

From cleaning your gutters to fixing a roof, you’ll most likely need a ladder to get the job done. Use these ladder safety tips to decrease your chances of risk and injury and complete your job in a safe and timely manner.

A grandmother and granddaughter look at a laptop together

4 reasons to have identity theft insurance

Posted in General, Auto, Home

Should you add identity theft coverage to your insurance policy? Here are four reasons why you and your family may benefit from having identity theft insurance, as well as quick tips on how to avoid and detect identity theft.

Young woman sits on stairs outside and checks her cell phone

In case of emergency: How to prepare your phone

Posted in General, Auto, Home

 Your phone can be a powerful tool during an emergency. Find out which emergency numbers and information to save in your phone as well as how to use lock screen options to communicate with first responders.

Father helps young daughter put on a backpack to prepare for school.

4 school bus safety tips for drivers

Posted in Auto

Do you know when to stop for a school bus? As drivers, we play an important role in keeping our roads safe. Keep these four tips in mind so you can share the road confidently with school buses.