A business professional stands and speaks to a group of colleagues.

Prepare for winter with a business disaster recovery plan

Posted in Business

Preparing for winter storms and the business interruptions they can cause is an essential part of business continuity planning. Work with your risk control team to design a business disaster recovery plan fit for your company’s needs.

A dark living room features a lit wood-burning fireplace in the center of the wall.

Fireplace safety: 4 signs your home needs a chimney inspection

Posted in Home

A great home buying checklist will prepare you for every aspect of buying a home, from finances to home insurance. No matter if you’re buying a ready-to-move-in home or a fixer upper house, this home buying checklist can help you make wise choices.

House keys are left in an open door

How to prevent break-ins in your home and vehicle

Posted in Auto, Home

Take the steps to prevent theft in your home and vehicle by following these tips. From lamps with self-timers to locked doors to security systems, there are many action items you can implement to protect what matters most to you.

A parked dark sedan features a shattered second row window.

8 tips to prevent car theft

Posted in Auto

There are lots of precautions you can take to reduce the risk of car theft. From locking up your vehicle to minimizing personalized details like car sticker decals, you can deter thieves and protect your belongings.

A teenage girl and her father smile and wear their seatbelts as they sit in the front of a car.

Teen driving tips: A checklist for parents and teens

Posted in Auto

Navigating the roads as a new driver is an adjustment for parents and teens. Learn how to create a parent teen driving contract and gain confidence as the teenage driver in your home learns the rules of the road through teen driving lessons.

A taupe two story home with an orange front door, white window trim and a manicured lawn.

What is dwelling insurance and why do you need it?

Posted in Home

Understanding the ins and outs of dwelling coverage, also known as Coverage A, is essential for homeowners, condo owners and even renters. Find out exactly what you need to know about dwelling coverage to protect your home from life’s unexpected events.