A quaint neighborhood street with large storm clouds overhead.

How to prepare your home for a last-minute thunderstorm

Posted in Home

We’re teaching you how to prepare for a thunderstorm in just a few minutes. Get the storm tips you need for learning storm terminology, using technology wisely, stowing your items safely and taking cover.

A man wearing blue coveralls and a blue hat stands on a ladder to install a fan.

The complete rundown of HVAC business insurance

Posted in Business

With HVAC business insurance, you can protect your business from risks and setbacks. Navigate your coverage options to help you decide how to protect what matters most to you and your business. Plus, learn about additional coverages.

 young girl runs with a beagle in her backyard on a summer day.

How to insure your backyard

Posted in Home

You know your homeowners’ insurance covers your house and its contents – but what about your backyard? Learn what common backyard items are covered by a standard homeowners’ policy and where you may need a little extra coverage.

Surveyors working in the sun

Safety tips for working in the heat

Posted in General, Home, Business

Working in hot indoor conditions or spending your summer landscaping, gardening or working in construction for long hours can be hard on your body. You need tips to stay cool, hydrated and protected. Learn how you can manage working in the heat.

Protect your home from high winds

Quick guide to protect your home from high winds

Posted in Home

Check out this quick guide for all the things to know about high winds leading up to a storm, from prepping your home to learning terminology to better understand your local weather experts. We even help you assess the damage and report a claim.

Don't think you drive distracted?

Don't think you drive distracted?

Posted in Auto

Distracted driving accidents are preventable. Learn about some of the most common types of distracted driving habits that you can cut from your life. Plus, get driving tips to help you keep the roadways safe for everyone.